Drought Contingency








The goal of this plan is to cause a reduction in water use in response to emergency conditions so that the water availability can be preserved. Since emergency conditions can occur rapidly, responses must also be enacted quickly. This plan has been prepared in advance considering conditions that will initiate and terminate the rationing program. 

A Conservation Committee consisting of two Board Members and the System Manager will monitor usage patterns, public education efforts and make recommendations to the Board on future conservation efforts. The Committee will develop public awareness notices, bill stuffers, and other methods that will begin and continue as a constant type of reminder that water should be conserved at all times, not just during an emergency. This Committee will review and evaluate any needed amendments or major changes due to changes in the Utilities service area population, distribution system or supply. This review and evaluation will be done on a regular basis of five years unless conditions necessitate more frequent amendments.

The plan will be implemented according to the three stages of rationing as imposed by the Board. The next section describes the conditions which will trigger these stages.



1.  Stage I - Mild Condition:  Stage I may be implemented when one or more of the following conditions exist:

a.  Water consumption has reached 80 percent of daily maximum supply for three (3) consecutive days.

b.  Water supply is reduced to a level that is only 20 percent greater than the average consumption for the previous month.

c.  There is an extended period (at least eight (8) weeks) of low rainfall and daily use has risen 20 percent above the use for the same period during the previous year.


2.  Stage II - Moderate Conditions:  Stage II rationing condition may be implemented when one of the following conditions exist:

a.  Water consumption has reached 90 percent of the amount available for three consecutive days.

b.  The water level in any of the water storage tanks cannot be replenished for three (3) consecutive days.


3.  Stage III - Severe Conditions:  Stage III rationing conditions may be implemented             when one of the following four conditions exist:

a.  Failure of a major component of the system or an event which reduces the minimum residual pressure in the system below 20 psi for a period of 24 hours or longer.

b.  Water consumption of 95 percent or more of the maximum available for three (3) consecutive days.

c.  Water consumption of 100 percent of the maximum available and the water storage levels in the system drop during one 24 hour period.


d.  Other unforeseen events which could cause imminent health or safety risks to the public.



The stage levels of rationing are to be placed in effect by the triggers in Section B.  The System shall institute monitoring and enforce penalties for violations of the Rationing Program for each of the Stages listed below.   The rationing measures are summarized below.

1.  Stage I - Mild Conditions

a.  Alternate day, time of day, or limiting of time restrictions for outside water usage allowed. (System will notify Customers which restriction is in effect)

b.  The system should reduce flushing operations.

c.  Encourage reduction of water use through the notice on bills or other method.


2.  Stage II - Moderate Conditions

a.  All outside water use is prohibited (except for livestock).

b.  Make public service announcements as conditions change via local media (TV, radio, newspapers, etc.).


3.  Stage III - Severe Conditions

a.  All outside watering prohibited and the system may also prohibit livestock watering by notice.

b.  Water use will be restricted to a percentage of each member’s prior month’s usage. This percentage may be adjusted as needed according to demand on the system. Notice of this amount will be sent to each customer.

c.  Utility shall continue enforcement and educational efforts.



(1) Refer to your water purchase contract for additional restrictions/requirements that may be imposed by stipulations from the wholesale supplier.

(2)    There may be additional restrictions imposed by Governmental Entities.

(3)    Meters will be read as often as necessary to insure compliance with this program for the benefit of all the customers.



Once a trigger condition occurs, the Utility, or its designated responsible representative, shall, based on recommendation from the Chairperson of the Conservation Committee, decide if the appropriate stage of rationing shall be initiated. The initiation may be delayed if there is a reasonable possibility the water system performance will not be compromised by the condition. If rationing is to be instituted, written notice to the customers shall be given.

Written notice of the proposed rationing shall be mailed or delivered to each affected customer. The customer notice shall contain the following information:

1.  The date rationing shall begin,

2.  The expected duration,

3.  The stage (level) of rationing to be employed,

4.  Penalty for violations of the rationing program, and

5.  Affected area to be rationed.


A sample Customer Notice of rationing condition is included in Miscellaneous Transaction Forms of this tariff.

If the rationing period extends 30 days then the Chairperson of the Conservation Committee or manager shall present the reasons for the rationing at the next scheduled Board Meeting and shall request the concurrence of the Board to extend the rationing period. 

When the trigger condition no longer exists then the responsible official may terminate the rationing provided that such an action is based on sound judgment. Written notice of the end of rationing shall be given to customers. A rationing period may not exceed 60 days without extension by action of the Board.



For the first violation of a rationing provision a written warning shall be issued. The Utility may install a flow restrictor in the customer’s service line for the second violation.  The cost of this shall be the actual cost to do the work and a $50.00  fine.

For subsequent violations, the Utility may terminate service for up to 7 days and charge for the service call to restore service. These provisions apply to all customers of the Utility.



The System may grant exemptions or waivers for individuals that can demonstrate just cause for outside or other use of water other than permitted by this Rationing Program. Some examples may include no other source for livestock, for business purposes, for other planned construction or improvement already in progress, etc.



The Board shall establish a Conservation Committee by Resolution, the chairperson, of which, will be the responsible representative to make Emergency Water Management actions.  This committee should also review the procedures in this plan annually so that modifications can be made to accommodate system growth.

The provisions which affect customers in this Plan were adopted by the Board. These procedures will be put into effect by the Board or its designated representative.